Review: Makey Makey

Makey Makey, Programs, Reviews

Robot Basics:

  • What is it?  Makey Makey is a micro-controller. By creating a circuit, Makey Makey takes over your keyboard
    As the box says,

    Plug it in, hook it up, make stuff happen on your computer

  • What’s in the Box?  A circuit board (the Makey Makey), seven alligator clips, a USB connector, and some wires.  Also, instructions and an idea sheet.

    What's in the Makey Makey box?

    What’s in the Makey Makey box?

  • How much? $49.95
  • Age Range?  Box says 8 to infinity.  My testers were 10 – 14
  • How we acquired it:  I used the Makey Makey my library purchased.

Ideas for use: