Have You Updated Your Cubelets OS?

Cubelets, tips and tricks

Recently Modular Robotics, the maker of Cubelets, updated their Cubelets operating system (OS4).  If you are planning on buying any new Cubelets, you’ll want to update your old Cubelets so they can talk to each other. You need a bluetooth cube to do this.

Last week, I needed to buy more batteries.  It’s been my experience you can’t have enough batteries or Cubelet Drive cubes (the ones with wheels).  So I ordered more. They asked if I wanted to updated cubes. Did I want my Cubelets to respond faster? You bet.

There is a great video that explains how easy it is to update these cubes.

Last Friday, I did just that. I downloaded the Cubelet app and followed the tutorial; first updating my bluetooth cube.  There was a hiccup or two.  I was slightly impatient with the process — I started it late on a Friday afternoon, and I was on desk.  Not the smartest move on my part.  But I handed it off to a co-worker who cruised through the process.  Here are a few screen shots of what it looked like for me.


The countdown to my speaker cubelet being updated.

The countdown to my speaker cubelet being updated.

The last step of the update with clear easy instructions.

The last step of the update with clear easy instructions.

Easy, clear instructions made this update go smoothly. We have a considerable collection of Cubelets, and they were done in under four hours. Also, we have both kinds of battery Cubelets (the ones with rechargeable batteries and the USB batteries).  Both battery Cubelets updated without any problems.

True Confessions: Faking it…and Feeling Good

Programs, True Confessions

Yesterday was a pretty great day for me.  I had my first Homeschool Hangout…a place where homeschool kids can spend time at the library.  We did a tour, talked books, and played with LittleBits.  During the program, I asked what sort of things they’d like to do and playing with robots and computer coding came up.  Verdict: I didn’t panic.

Yesterday afternoon I met with an instructional coach for the local school district.  He’s been witness to some of the technology realia we have (Cubelets, Dash and Dot, Beebots, etc.). We met to discuss how we could incorporate these materials with a sixth grade class at one of his schools.  We met for about 90 minutes, playing together, bouncing ideas off one another.  It was a great collaboration and I learned a lot from him.  That’s not new.  But what blew me away was his comment that he learned from me.  What? How is that possible?  We ended our meeting with two and possibly three different collaborations in the schools next month.

This morning, the lightbulb went off.  I’ve been faking this technology stuff for about 18 months, and finally, it’s stuck.  The faking it til I make it?  I think it hit.  Now, am I as knowledgeable as Jacquie?  Not on your life.  But I’m right where I need to be.

Everything we’ve talked about on Robot Test Kitchen: failing and trying again, perseverance, being open to new things.  It’s all come together.

I’m gonna make it after all!
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